Willkommen in Deutschland - Futsal
Am Montag of this week, I got invited to play football thanks to my professor of Finance. I told him I was looking for a club or place to train while in Freiburg to have fun and not loose my touch. He connected me to one of his previous fellow colleagues and he invited me to play. The invitation was from 8 to 10pm so I arrived into a shared map location a little bit early and all I could see was a dark basketball court with some football goals in there. To my surprise, this wasn't the field we were going to play at. When my acquaintance arrived he showed me the entrance of a high school building/athletic facility, "schule sporthalle". There were locker rooms, showers, and right next to it was the field we were going to play at. It was a high school multi-purpose field were kids do sports and play futsal or Hallenfußball. We were a group of 10 people and we played 5 vs 5 in this small field. Most of the guys that played were in their 30s...