
Showing posts from January, 2023

Freiburg`s öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

  In the last 50 years Freiburg has started to make great contributions to a more environmental-sustainable transportation scheme. In the lapse of the last week, since I first arrived to Freiburg, I have been astonished by the amount of bikes there is. I have never seen either in Chile or in the U.S a city this bike-friendly, which has triggered me to want to buy one for my stay. Besides the short distances in Freiburg, the city's architects have planned the perfect structures to facilitate ecomobility (walking, biking, and public transportation) to reduce carbon emissions and be an efficient "green" city.                                                                                                                                          The first day I arrived, I saw these tram lines on the street and witnessed how people would cross the street passing right next to the trains. Cars and bikes also have their respective lanes and it is quite astonishing how much consid