Osterfest für die Kinder

Easter is a catholic tradition celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. For easter in Freiburg, Germany, I had the chance through my german class to visit die "Museum Natur und Mensch". I was excited to get my german homework done and also for the kids that would be enjoying easter german celebrations and traditions. The museum had a free entrance and it was full with children. I think me and my friend were the only young adults there with the exception of the kids' parents. 

I was fortunate to see Vom Ei zum Küken exhibition were kids would enjoy seeing how chicks live and interact in a little but interactive environment. While me and my friend were in the exhibition, we asked how old were das "küken", and there were some that were born in that same week! The kids were all happy about the chicks little noises and how they ran from one place to another. Kids and parents also have fun mit Ostereir Bemalen, Shoko-Osterhasen essen, und Ostereir suchen zum einen speziellen Osterbrauch pflegen. In this museum there were a lot of other animals as well and kids would love to learn more about them. 

When I was a kid growing up in Chile, I remember my family would meet and I would search for chocolate eggs hidden around the house and eat them. Coming from a catholic school background, I also remember we would go to the backyard and go on an egg hunt with my classmates. On Friday, when Jesus died, back in Chile we also don't eat meat so it is normal to eat fish. Nowadays, easter in Germany has commercialised to be as important as christmas. I saw fountains decorated, shops, and even some alleys. I bought a chocolate egg for my teacher's son and she was really grateful about it. I am happy to have experienced easter in a different place and because it also made me remember my time as a kid when things were more fun and with less responsibilities. Similarly, it also made me a little homesick since everyone was with their families and mine had a big lunch with a lot of family members back in Chile. This also made me reflect about the importance of the friends I have made here and how they are an important pillar in how I deal with my daily life in Germany. 


Photo with my friend Masmo and a scary fox behind
Photo of a schlange with curious minds 
Photo of das Küken
Photo of a kuh 
Me and my friend the Wildschwein 


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